To champion Veteran-owned small businesses within the CFCC, promote regional economic growth, stability, and develop a sense of community amongst our Veteran entrepreneurs and Veterans at large.
Capitalizing on collective experiences to improve the Veteran-owned businesses, and Veterans within our local community.
- To connect Veteran-owners and Veterans with resources, benefits, and like-minded organizations to create and improve the Veteran community within Fairfax.
- To provide opportunities to Veterans and their families for personal and professional development
- To connect Veterans and their families with each other
- To connect Veterans and their families to employers
- To educate employers on the benefits of hiring Veterans
- Transition Assistance Partnering
- Education and Training for Businesses
- Professional Development & Mentoring
- Virginia Values Veterans (V3) Certification workshops
Resources for Veterans and Military Families:
- Grow With Google – Explore tools and resources designed to help transitioning service members, Veterans, and military spouses prepare for and build meaningful careers.
- https://www.militaryhire.com.
- https://www.dvs.virginia.gov/employment-transition
Understanding Your Military or Disability Benefits
Mental Health Services
General Information
- https://www.Military.com– Good site for all types of Military information
- https://midatlantic.uso.org/events
- https://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/news/programs-support-veterans-and-families – Fairfax County’s Website Dedicated to Services for Verterans and Their Families
- https://www.dvs.virginia.gov/benefits-services
Leadership Team:
Committee Chair:
Dr. N. Scopellite – The Colonel’s Kitchen
Email: VeteransNetwork@cfcc.org
Committee Members:
Sean Carroll – Great Clips
Email: sean.carroll@greatclips.net
Michael Inzeo — Inzeo Remediation dba Bio-One Fairfax County
Email: info@fairfaxcountybioone.com
Ruth Pegeron – Lay to Rest Funeral Home
Email: rpegeron@laytorestservices.com
Donald Pennyfeather — Mulligans Pub on the Green
Email: dmcateringllc@gmail.com
Shawn Stuckey – Cambrae Business Strategies, Inc.
Email: SStuckey@cambraestrategies.com
Michael Torrey – TNT FInancial Services
Email: mtorrey@tntfinancialservicesllc.com